Veldhoven, Netherlands

August 14-19, 2018

Join CISVers from all over the world for five days of inspiration, knowledge-sharing, and fun at the 2018 CISV Global Conference in the Netherlands. The event will offer valuable sessions and activities to equip you with knowledge and tools to bring back to your Chapter.

  • Represent CISV Calgary

    CISV Calgary is looking for 2 volunteers (1 adult and 1 junior) to represent our chapter at the second CISV Global Conference in the Netherlands this summer.

  • What is Global Conference?

    The purpose of the conference is to motivate and inspire volunteers and to promote sharing of new ideas and best practices. The conference will give participants a more complete understanding of CISV and the opportunity to participate in designing the future of the organization.

  • Why you should attend

    The Global Conference will provide a forum where chapter members have the opportunity to meet like-minded volunteers from around the world who are all active at every level of CISV. You will be able to meet and work with volunteers working for CISV International, other CISV National Associations and other CISV chapters from around the world.

  • What we are offering

    The successful applicants will receive:

    • Full coverage of the Global Conference registration fee (an $800 value)
    • $500 towards travel expenses.
    • Room and board (shared room, 3 meals per day)
  • Who are we looking for

    We are looking for 2 volunteers to represent our chapter, one junior (age 25 or under) and one adult (18 or over).

    To apply, you:

    • must have been an active volunteer with CISV Calgary for at least the last 3 years;
    • must be able to demonstrate your commitment to continue and be actively involved with CISV Calgary for at least 2 years after the Global Conference;
    • must be available and able to apply your new knowledge with CISV Calgary, and bring any information learned at the Global Conference back to the chapter.


Applications should be sent by email to Liane Erickson at: [email protected] no later than January 5, 2018.
Before applying, please visit the Global Conference website and review the conference program.

In your application, please include:

  • A brief (max. 1 page) description of yourself, your CISV background, how you will comply with the above requirements, and any other information that you think is important for the selection panel.
  • List 3 sessions from the Global Conference program that you would like to attend, and explain how they are relevant to CISV Calgary and how you will be able to apply any skills or knowledge from the session.


Applications will be reviewed by a panel of 3:

  • 1 member of our Board
  • 1 member of CISV Calgary (who is not a Board member)
  • 1 member of our community (who is not a CISV Calgary member).

The panel may request an interview with applicants who meet the criteria.

Interviews will be held January 18, 2018.

The panel will be evaluating applications looking for the best and strongest possible contribution to CISV Calgary.

Recipients will be announced by January 26, 2018.